Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our 2008 Christmas was wonderful. We Shared our Christmas morning with our friends Vicky and Chan, who are learning about America and all it's traditions. Breakfast was at 9a.m, Daniel made waffles, hash browns and ham. Vicky and Chan told us they had bought frozen waffles but did not know how to eat them. We happily told them with butter and syrup.
Azure and Corban had many favorite presents. One they have not let go of since opening is a vintage key with a ribbon tied round, to be worn around their neck for safe keeping. They each received one with a note from Santa telling them they where given keys to their house. they have spent time putting the keys into the key hole in all the doors of our home. I believe Santa is smiling with joy in seeing the children play with old things, in such a special way.

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