Saturday, April 10, 2010

Here are a few of the growing things in our Yard. We still have much work to be done. But that is what Spring Time is all about right... or all the time.

Pumpkin Sprouts...YEAH Looking forward to getting one or so this year. We did not reap a harvest of any, not one at all, last year.

This is a new addition this year romaine lettuce. We have these great crates this year. When the chickens are ready to go into the coop we will get the two that they are living in for now. So odd how gardening and animals and compost go together huh. Really everything is connected not sure why I am just noticing that now, being 31 and all. You would think I would have noticed it by now. That's part of my spaced out childhood journey. Glad I woke up, still have so much to learn. :)

Here are those 100+ strawberry plants Dan keeps fenced up, away from the birds. We still need to tighten up the netting this year. The birds around my house are so fat. they eat all our crop and the bird feed we buy for them. Oh well, toppins right. No no we will tighten down the netting. Maybe I should make some sweet scare crows hmmm any ideas?

The raspberry bushes survived the winter well. The green leaves are so gorgeous.

Oh the sweet grape vines are so pretty coming up with the tiny sprouted leaves. I love grape vines. Hmmm my childhood, memories flood back. I first learned to dare to make shee shee outside just down the grape vine row. Just me and my grapevine for cover I remember the first time so well I was in a dress and tights. I shee sheed all over my tights. Poor little girl, Mom took them off and I was free. never been afraid since. Whats a little tinkle shee shee drops once in a while. Thats just the way for the girls.

Here are my gorgeous posts. Dan made from the trees we cut down around our property. I love them! The do make me feel we have a little bit of Heaven on our lot.

Oh and I got my tree stumps delivered via DAN's muscles. He's the best to do whatever I ask. Now to prepare the places for them. YEAH tree stumps!

This pile is the mulch and compost we got from Maplewood Richmond Heights city Christmas tree give away, the stumps came from there to. Oh glorious compost and mulch wont you help our garden grow and look oh so nice. We have our own compost we have been composting all winter Dan build it last year. I will post pic soon, and a chipper to make mulch but one big o' pine tree was just not enough this year, (thank you Elin and Dale Ficken for allowing us to cut down your tree) Ok get to work Dan and Elaine. Really just bits get done till schools out, Six more weeks!

1 comment:

Clinton Home Educators said...

I'm in awe. So funny to me to think you guys are doing this in the middle of St. Louis between apt. buildings. With all your compost, mulch and stuff, I bet you have an awesome crop this fall.