Friday, April 30, 2010

The little chickens

To start this post off you must know I am behind these where taken a couple of weeks ago :0) These little guys grow fast they are nearly twice this size now, these where taken Easter weekend.

We have 42 chickens. Wait...YES, I said 42

If you need the background story as to why we have chickens and "42" at that. First, you just need to know my husband he does everything in bulk. Which is really great most of the time. We can only have 6 in the city we live in, we are keeping 10 just in case a couple gets picked off by bigger birds, raccoons, or possums. So if you want chickens there are plenty unspoken for. Call DAN he'll hook you up.

The kids attend MRHECC which has chickens. They are encouraging 50 Maplewood family's to get chickens, and whoa la Ta DA we got chickens.

The kids are really cute with them. the neighbor kids have been visiting often as well watching them grow. Corban's class even stopped by one day on one of their fast walks they take.

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