Saturday, January 31, 2009

Official documntation of baby three

Our visual proof

OK, so baby #3 is growing, and we are excited to be adding to our family. Azure, has taken to watching the little moving baby here on our blog. She knows the baby will be here after my birthday and before Halloween. Corban, has no clue what is going on. I hope the visual of mommy in the second and third trimester will clue him in a bit. We have a girl room and a boy room; so, depending on what we get a boy or a girl, will decide who will have a roommate next year. I am hoping the third car seat will actually fit in the middle of back seat of our 96' Beamer. Fall Semester will be more complicated with the arrival of our new baby, so we are doing our best to enjoy Spring Semester the best we can. Corban, will start preschool in August along with Azure, who will go into 1st grade. Being home during the day with baby should work out. Over all it does not sound easy but worth it. I am crossing my fingers I can keep up with three and Dan. Dan, is so happy to be adding to our family. He is so much help. But, with nursing school for the next two years there will be a little more weight on me. I must think positive and be the fun, silly, happy mom to enjoy this journey.
Wish us LUCk!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you guys.